Michael Eisner, Cartoon Creator

Michael Eisner has launched a new animation company called Tornante Animation.
And he’s created his own animated series.
And Nickelodeon has picked it up for 20 episodes.
Boy, how’d we ever miss this story?
Eisner’s idea, Glenn Martin DDS, is a stop-motion series about a dentist who wants a change of pace and decides to go on a roadtrip. Sounds like a Gary and Mike for the PoliGrip crowd.
The LA Times article offers an insight into the creative process that Michael Eisner went through to arrive at this idea:
Eisner said he initially wanted to make a show that revolved around a dog like the one owned by his former colleague Tom Staggs, chief financial officer of Disney, “a giant Swiss army dog with a tail that stands straight up,” Eisner said. (According to Disney, the dog is a Swiss mountain dog.) But that idea evolved into the dentist with his family.
Thankfully for Eisner, his show is in good hands. The Times reports that he’s already hired ten writers to work on the series.