Animation master Eric Goldberg (Aladdin’s Genie, Hercules’ Phil, the “Rhapsody in Blue” sequence of Fantasia 2000) created a Golden Age Hollywood-inspired Simpsons couch gag.

Nothing we can say can add to this, so just watch it — and then quietly cry in a corner that TV animation is rarely ever this much fun to watch:

UPDATE: In the comments section, Eric Goldberg provided us with the full credits for his Simpsons opening. The following artists worked on it:

Director: Eric Goldberg
Art Director: Susan McKinsey Goldberg
Visual Effects Supervisor: Scott F. Johnston
Backgrounds: Natalie Franscioni Karp
Animators: Eric Goldberg, Dale Baer, Caroline Cruikshank, Sierra Lewis
Clean-up Animation: Susan McKinsey Goldberg, June Fujimoto, Celinda S. Kennedy, Jacqueline Sanchez
Effects Animation: David Joey Mildenberger, William Allen Blyth
Scanning and Paint: Dennis Matthew Johnson, Logan J. Knight
Rough Inbetweener: Amanda Candler

Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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