The Minions Invade China
“Despicable Me 2”, retitled “Super Thief Nanny 2,” had the biggest opening for an animated feature in China since 2012.
“Despicable Me 2”, retitled “Super Thief Nanny 2,” had the biggest opening for an animated feature in China since 2012.
Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee’s “Frozen” has accomplished the rarest of box office accomplishments: moving back into first place at the American box office after a month-and-a-half of wide release.
Moving back up from third to second place, Disney’s Frozen grossed a spectacular $28.8 million (estimated), pushing the film’s domestic …
In its fourth weekend of wide release, Frozen landed in 3rd place with a stellar $19.2 million (estimated). The film eased just 15% from …