Explore Real-Time Animation Practices In Epic’s Free Ebook ‘The Animation Field Guide’
The Animation Field Guide is a detailed how-to manual in the techniques of creating animation in real-time using Unreal Engine.
The Animation Field Guide is a detailed how-to manual in the techniques of creating animation in real-time using Unreal Engine.
Nierva and Makarewicz worked a combined total of 40 years at Pixar.
Spire will use Epic’s Unreal Engine to produce animated features and expand into the metaverse.
Ted Mathot (“Incredibles 2”) and Karen Disher (“Rio”) have joined the young feature animation studio.
“Trouble” is the second feature announced by Spire Animation Studios, a new company co-founded by veteran animation producer Brad Lewis.
The new studio is creatively led by Brad Lewis, a veteran of Pixar and Dreamworks.