Animation Is Film Announces 11 Animated Features In Competition Lineup
A terrific group of animated features from around the world has been selected to compete at the upcoming Animation is Film festival in Los Angeles.
A terrific group of animated features from around the world has been selected to compete at the upcoming Animation is Film festival in Los Angeles.
An explanation of light field rendering and how it can help animators with immersive vr filmmaking.
The director and star of Cartoon Saloon’s powerful new work, “The Breadwinner,” speak to Cartoon Brew.
“The Breadwinner” claimed two of the three awards presented at the first edition of the Animation Is Film festival.
A new animation festival taking place all weekend in Los Angeles will present the innovative animated features being produced around the world.
The Animation is Film Festival has assembled an extraordinary line-up for its first-ever edition, set to take place in Los Angeles next month.
A major animation festival is coming to Los Angeles for the first time in many years.