What does it take to start a career in the animation industry? And how can you prepare for industry-driven training at Vancouver Film School (VFS)? The school’s Creative Portfolio Development Session is here to help you out.

There’s no question, it’s daunting to create a portfolio. Having to sort through all of your old work, and second guess if it’s good enough to share with others, let alone professionally acceptable. Lots of people freeze up trying to answer those questions themselves. After all, we’re often our own worst critics.

VFS's portfolio reviews can be done through video chat, making it easier than ever to have your work reviewed by an industry professional.
VFS’s portfolio reviews can be done through video chat, making it easier than ever to have your work reviewed by an industry professional.

Creative Portfolio Development Sessions are completely free, 15-minute development sessions where people can connect one-on-one with Vancouver Film School’s award-winning Animation School faculty, animation veterans themselves with decades of experience in the field who know the expectations in creative industries.

Each session includes full reviews of any creative art samples that are brought in, hands-on guidance in developing a portfolio if you don’t already have one, in-depth discussions about your creative career path options and ambitions, and an assessment of whether you’re ready to pursue the VFS School of Animation and Visual Effects.

But what if you don’t have a portfolio or demo reel? Or if your works aren’t animated, fully fleshed out or properly refined? No worries! These sessions aren’t hard-nosed exams; they’re a tool for people to put together the pieces they have and learn how to fill the gaps where they might need assistance most. If you have 5-8 samples of your latest creative work to show, then you’re ready for a development session.

Sketches, fan art, works-in-progress, homemade videos, prototypes, rough cuts, graffiti, even napkin doodles! Works don’t need to be complete — we’re not looking for final products, we’re seeking to help people bring their potential to the forefront.

For anyone ready to have their potential honed and guided into a new, exciting animation career, VFS’s video chat review allows people to connect with VFS from anywhere on the globe, at a time that works best for them.

If you’d like more information, full details can be found Vancouver Film School’s website or you can contact VFS directly at portfolioreview@vfs.com.

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