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Reachout Media

Whether your company is big or small, if you want to advertise on Cartoon Brew, there’s now an easy and efficient way to do so. Beginning today, all advertising on Cartoon Brew will be handled exclusively by the Reachout ad network. We’re especially proud to make this announcement because Reachout is an initiative of Cartoon Brew. Even better, we’ve partnered up with some amazing blogs to build an ad network from the ground-up that is geared towards our needs. It is the largest network of its kind, capable of delivering millions of ad impressions a month throughout animation, illustration, CG and film blogs.

The initial roster of sites represented by the Reachout network are blogs that we not only respect but that we’re fans of and read regularly. In addition to Cartoon Brew, Reachout now sells advertising for the following sites:

So what does this mean to the average Cartoon Brew reader? Perhaps not much except for the simple fact that we’re going to be able to continue doing what we’re doing. Cartoon Brew will remain free as always, and we will continue to expand and add new features like Brew TV. Hopefully the ads that we run on this site will enhance your experience and introduce you to interesting and relevant products. If you enjoy Cartoon Brew, the most effective way of showing your support is to click on the ads every once in a while and learn about what our advertisers have to offer. Who knows, you may just find something that you want or need.

And if you’re a company looking to reach creative people, and people who appreciate creativity in all its many forms, look no further than Reachout. To learn more about advertising on Cartoon Brew or any of the sites listed above, please visit Our sales team looks forward to working with you.

Now for a couple shout-outs. First, to our webguru Rob Kohr whose tech expertise never fails us. He has been instrumental in getting the backend of the ad network up and running, as well as designing the Reachout site. Second shout-out goes to Scotty Reifsnyder who created our lovely Reachout header illo. Check out more of Scotty’s work at

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