Warner Bros. Animation today publicly announced three new 3D theatrical cartoon shorts to be released within the next year. Two of the films feature voice recordings by Mel Blanc from songs recorded for Capitol Records in the 1950s. The new shorts, according to the press release, are:

Daffy’s Rhapsody: In the first of the new shorts, a persistent Elmer Fudd chases Daffy Duck (Blanc) on stage during a musical performance. The short features Blanc performing the song “Daffy Duck’s Rhapsody.” Daffy’s Rhapsody is scheduled to debut in theaters on November 18, 2011, in conjunction with Warner Bros. Pictures’ release of Happy Feet 2.

I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat: A classic game of cat and bird transpires in Granny’s apartment as Tweety Bird goes to great lengths to avoid the clutches of his arch-nemesis Sylvester the Cat. The short also features the hit song of the same name, which was performed by Blanc, and sold over three million copies worldwide.

Untitled Coyote & Road Runner: Wile E. Coyote’s epic quest to capture the Road Runner continues in this all-new short. Will the Coyote finally get his paws on his elusive prize?

The three new shorts are all directed by Matthew O’Callaghan and executive produced by WBA’s Sam Register. The producers are Spike Brandt and Tony Cervone. Click the photo above to view larger version.

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Jerry Beck

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