Verified: Xika vs. Disinformation Verified: Xika vs. Disinformation

Buenos Aires-based animation studio Clubcamping recently teamed with Brazilian organization Vero in the battle against disinformation in Latin American politics and media.

Together, the groups created a two-minute animated short titled Verificables: Xika vs la Desinformación (Verified: Xika vs. the Disinformation), which features a neon-clad superheroine who fights against fake news and teaches viewers how to identify and debunk disinformation.

Clubcamping was founded in 2018, meaning the pandemic heavily influenced its formative years. According to the studio, “After the pandemic, we felt compelled to create a signature short with a Latin American flair, addressing the pressing issue of disinformation in our ‘post-truth’ age.”

To do so, the studio teamed up with Vero, a group of researchers and content creators in Brazil dedicated to turning the internet into a healthier and more sustainable environment for all users.

“The initiative arises from the perception that electoral disinformation is a transcontinental and coordinated phenomenon, with tactical operation patterns,” explains Vero. “Therefore, there is an opportunity for learning among countries that face this phenomenon in the Latin American region.”

According to the team at Clubcamping, “Our creative challenge [with the short] was twofold: depict the transformative power of disinformation without causing offense, and design characters representative of the disinformation crisis.”

The goal was vital because the short is meant to be educational, and if viewers feel offended, they’re more likely to tune out without learning anything. That means that when designing the short’s evil characters, artists had to be careful not to draw anything too familiar. They wanted the disinformation peddlers to be recognizable, but not so much so that anyone from the real world could be identified in the piece. That said, the Clubcamping team admits, “If you look closely, squint a little, and turn your head sideways, you will recognize some of those a-holes.”

The bad guys in Verified are drawn with ugly, mismatched features and proportions, making them far easier to identify than their real-life counterparts.

Verified: Xika vs the Disinformation

Meanwhile, Xika is drawn with more realistic proportions and features, representing her relationship with the truth. She, and eventually several other everyday superheroes, are brightly colored and move with a fluidity that leaves no mistake that they’re on the right side of the fight.

Verified: Xika vs the Disinformation

The short takes place in a Latin American setting, and the backgrounds were influenced by some of the region’s most recognizable cities, such as Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Bogotá, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, and Lima. It’s not a specific setting, but it’s certainly familiar to anyone who has spent time in a big city in South America.
Verified: Xika vs the Disinformation

Director: Clubcamping
Creative director: Mariano Fernández Russo
EP: Ana Sieglitz & Juliana Millán
Script: Carolina Cantero, Alan Pettersen, Ana Sieglitz & Mariano Fernández Russo
Lead Production: Ana Laura Aparicio
Production Assistant: Alan Pettersen
Animation Direction: Pablo Cuello
Animatic: Mariano Fernández Russo
Art Direction: Martín Vinograd
Art Lead: Juan Barabani
Color: Nahuel Ruiz
Illustration: Juan Barabani, Martín Vinograd and Ramiro Cabrera
Layouts: Evelin Unfer & Constanza Oroza
2d Animation: Nicolas Piccirilli, Alejandro Briganti, Franco Pelliciaro, Magui Barone & Maricel Piazza
Clean up: Sofia Diaz, Alan Mohamed, Mercedes Di Santis, Celina Pavon, Gabriel Rocha & Adele Baquiast
Compositing & Motion Animation: Mariano Fernández Russo & Gabriel Rocha
Additional Compositing: Yago Lopez
Graphic Design: Adriana Matallana

Some of the quotes in this article were translated from Spanish.

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