“I’m Going to Disneyland” by Antoine Blandin “I’m Going to Disneyland” by Antoine Blandin

Twenty-year-old animation student Antoine Blandin chose an ambitious subject matter for his short I’m Going to Disneyland that pushes beyond typical student film territory. Domestic violence and child abuse are difficult subjects to pull off in animation, and Antoine does a lot with the topic in just over two minutes. I might even argue that it’s more effective than the other domestic violence cartoon making the festival circuits this year, Anita Killi’s Angry Man, simply because Blandin’s grim and austere visuals don’t distract from the story and feel more authentic to the point he’s making. The film was made at the Angoulême, France-based animation school EMCA. There’s a smart write-up about the short at Kuriositas.com.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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