Artist of the Day: Bob Flynn

Bob Flynn is an artist originally from Maine who lives in Boston. He works as the art and animation director at FableVision Studios. Bob additionally writes and draws pieces for SpongeBob Comics and designs characters for Cartoon Hangover’s Bravest Warriors.

Above is a rough and finalized SpongeBob spread, and below a design from Bravest Warriors.

As a personal pursuit, Bob co-publishes Heeby Jeeby Comix along with David DeGrand, Chris Houghton, and Dan Moynihan. It is an all-ages comic book with spooky, goofy comics in the vein of those found in the defunct Nickelodeon Magazine. It was Nickelodeon Magazine’s demise that inspired these former comics contributors to collaborate on Heeby Jeeby with the intent to fill the kid-friendly cartoony comics void.

Bob’s personal cartoon world is full of rubbery and hairy big-eyed monsters that could live comfortably between Dr. Seuss’s and Jim Henson’s creature universes.

Bob shares his thoughts on traditional/digital inking and animation tools on his blog. Here is a collection of posts Bob has written about inking and drawing with Flash. Here is his more recent exploration with Toon Boom.

Take a look at Bob’s blog, Tumblr, and portfolio to see more work.