Breaking: Thousands Of Technicolor VFX And Animation Workers In India Won’t Be Paid For The Month Of February
Zombie Redenbacher Zombie Redenbacher
Orville Redenbacher

Files this one under “Commercials For People Who Can’t Get Enough Of Polar Express and Monster House.” Apparently the people who own the Orville Redenbacher popcorn brand feel they can boost sales if they reintroduce their dead pitchman as a grotesque Uncanny Valley-esque CG character. There’s an article in USA TODAY about the new spot along with a short clip. I love this quote from the ad agency guy: “We don’t want people to fall over and faint because Orville’s back.” Somehow, I doubt they’ll be experiencing that problem.

For the record, here’s the appealing real Mr. Redenbacher:

(via BoingBoing)

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.