Tee Bosustow, son of Stephen Bosustow, has launched a new website devoted to the animation studio his father owned and operated for 14 years – United Productions of America.Tee has been (and still is) filming interviews with veteran UPA personnel, historians, and current animators-under-the-UPA-influence for a documentary he is producing, “UPA: Mavericks, Magic and Magoo”. He is actively seeking investors to bring the project to completion. The companion website, UPApix.com, is still a work-in-progress – so if you have material to contribute to the site or to documentary, Tee would love to hear from you.UPA is beloved by animation historians and knowledgable animators. It’s influence and importance to animation history is undeniable. Tee is trying his best to make sure the studio is recognized by today’s younger generation, and not forgotten by the film community at large. We certainly wish him luck.