Willoughby’s Magic
Hat (1943)The family of cartoonist Sam Cobean have just set up a new website, Sam Cobean’s World, featuring many of his cartoons, biographical information, photos, articles and obituaries. Included in the site are over 200 photos of Cobean’s original drawings from the collection owned by his estate. They have been organized into a browseable photo gallery. Family member Dan Loomis says:
“We hope to make Sam Cobean as well known by current generations as he was in the 1940s-50s. His untimely death in July, 1951, was a sad loss to the world of humorous cartooning.”
Cobean became a successful magazine panel cartoonist after World War II. Prior to the war Cobean had been an inbetweener and storyman at Disney, then joined Screen Gems in the early forties writing some of the best cartoons that studio ever produced – including the lengendary WILLOUGHBY’S MAGIC HAT, WAY DOWN YONDER IN THE CORN plus several other classic Fox & Crow shorts.