Last month, we wrote about RENAISSANCE, a black-&-white French animated noir that’ll be released theatrically this Spring. Now there’s word of another very different French animated noir, also in black-&-white, that’ll be released in Winter 2006. PEUR[S] DU NOIR (AFRAID OF THE DARK), produced by Prima Linea Productions, seems to be largely a hand-drawn 2D film. It’s conceived as a FANTASIA of fear (my description) with seven short segments exploring the subject of fear, from the macabre to the comical. Each of the segments is designed and written by well known illustrators, comic authors and graphic designers. The artists involved are Blutch, Charles Burns, Marie Caillou & Romain Slocombe, Pierre di Sciullo, Dupuy & Berbérian, Lorenzo Mattotti & Jerry Kramsky, and Richard McGuire & Michel Pirus, under the artistic direction of Etienne Robial.

An exhibition about the making of the film opened last week at the Centre national de la bande dessinée et de l’image (CNBDI) in Angoul’me and it will run through August 2006. My friend, French comic writer and novelist David Calvo, saw the exhibit last week while at Angoul’me BD and says the show is well worth checking out.

The official PEUR[S] DU NOIR website offers only a brief glimpse of the film, but it looks quite promising. More details about the CNBDI exhibit can be found HERE.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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