Ottawa Trip Reports
I’m still working on my own little write-up about the Ottawa Animation Festival, but there’s a whole lot of festival coverage being posted around the blogosphere. Here we go:
Primal Screen director Ward Jenkins has posted part one of his Ottawa coverage. Stay tuned to the Ward-o-Matic for further installments. Ward also has a nice Flickr photoset from Ottawa.
Tom Neely, director of the delightful rubber hose-styled Muffs music video ‘Don’t Pick On Me,’ has a trip report on his I Will Destroy You blog.
Bill Robinson, an animation student at RIT, also has a trip report HERE.
Roque “The Rogue” Ballesteros, whose exquisitely designed short film MOLE IN THE CITY took home the award for best Internet cartoon, has the first part of his Ottawa coverage posted on the Ghostbot blog.
Jeff Hasulo is doing a number of updates on his blog, and he also has a Flickr photoset. Jeff writes about the Michael Dudok de Wit masterclass, which was one of the festival highlights for me as well. Talking about animation is never easy, but Dudok de Wit eloquently verbalized his thoughts about creativity and art for two whole hours. And I could have easily listened to him speak for two more. Check out Michael Dudok de Wit’s site HERE.
Ken Priebe, a filmmaker who works at VanArts, has a five-part festival report on his blog.
Don’t be fooled by the photo gallery of sixteen-year-old Lev Polyakov, who won the elementary/secondary film award for his film PIPER THE GOAT AND THE PEACE PIPE. He looks harmless enough, but give him an award, and Holy Christ, you better watch out.