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Cartoon Network: At Least Our Dialogue is Funny Cartoon Network: At Least Our Dialogue is Funny

I don’t expect much from Cartoon Network these days. After all, this is the same “Cartoon” Network that announced a few months back that they’ve started to develop live-action programming. Their latest attention-grabbing move isn’t quite as offensive, it’s just plain dumb.

CN has unveiled a series of billboards in various US cities, including Chicago, Miami, Atlanta and New York, featuring random bits of dialogue from series like GRIM ADVENTURES OF BILLY AND MANDY, CAMP LAZLO and MY GYM PARTNER IS A MONKEY. Photos of some of the billboards can be found here, here and here. According to this article, these billboards are leading up to the unveiling of new programming on the network.

Isn’t it ironic that a network specializing in cartoons – that most visual of art forms – has chosen to promote its product by highlighting the dialogue in its cartoons? That says far more than I could ever say about the visual entertainment value – or lack of – in the shows that they currently produce.

What Do You Think?

Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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