Animation Blast #9 Update Animation Blast #9 Update

Here’s the latest on ANIMATION BLAST #9. I spoke to my Canadian printer yesterday, and he says if everything goes according to plan, they’ll have the issue printed and bound by the week of June 5-9. It’ll be immediately shipped to LA, which means I should be receiving them the week of June 12-16. And then I’ll ship them out, which means you should be getting them by the end of June. If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, the issue will also be available at the San Diego Comic-Con. More details about that in a bit.

PS – If you’ve sent me an email anytime in the past three weeks, chances are you haven’t received a response. I’ll try to respond to everybody by this weekend.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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