‘Amaro and Walden’s Joyride’ by Tim McCourt and Max Taylor

Amaro & Walden are two rowdy boy racer, hipster hybrids with that lads on tour attitude. They’re the best of friends but couldn’t care less about each other’s safety. Follow them burning around town acting like they’re top dons in a music video. Learn more about the making of the film.
Produced by The Line
Directed by Tim McCourt and Max Taylor
Character Design: Tim McCourt
Design: Tim McCourt and Max Taylor
Direct of Photography: Andrew Corrigan
Music: Hugo ‘Beats’ Chegwin, Fred Berry
Editing: Tim McCourt, Max Taylor, Julia Knight
Animation: Peter Dodd, Jonathan Djob Nkondo, Tim McCourt, Wesley Louis, Sam Taylor,
Bjorn Aschim, James Duveen, Kristian Antonelli
FX Animation: Duncan Gist
Clean Up: Tim McCourt, Duncan Gist, Aude Carpentier, Sam Taylor, Imre Horváth,
James Duveen, Iria Lopez
Color: Tim McCourt, Max Taylor, Duncan Gist
Compositing: Max Taylor, James Belch, Anna Sigüenza, Chris Fraser
Colorist: Aubrey Woodwiss
Color Assist: Lewis Cross Field
Starring Suggs, Lauren Hedges, Eugenia Simo Grijalbo, 3 Legged Dog, Oliver Macintosh