New trailer for “Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet”
Everything Michel Gagné does is worth seeing and owning. His latest project is a video game (which we teased back in 2009): Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, the final trailer for which has just been released. Gagné dropped us this note:
“After 5 years of work including the most intense year and a half of my career, ITSP is finally wrapped up and ready for release. Being a fan of classical animation, I think you should really enjoy looking at the game (and playing, if you’re a player). Five years ago, game veteran Joe Olson and I set out the goal of bringing feature quality 2D classical animation to video games. Working with the amazingly dedicated crew at both, Fuelcell Games and Gagne International, I believe we pulled it off!”
Various videos following the evolution of the game, and a bunch of new screen shots, can be found on Gagné’s blog. Here’s the new trailer: