If it worked for The Iron Giant, why not Space Jam?

Following up on last year’s successful limited re-release of the Brad Bird pic, Fathom Events has announced that they will re-release Space Jam into more than 450 U.S. theaters for a limited two-day run in honor of the film’s 20th anniversary. The film, which combined the charm of funny classic cartoon characters with the listless performances of then-popular NBA basketball players, will return to the bigscreen on Sunday, November 13 (2:00pm and 6:00pm showtimes), and Wednesday, November 16 (7:00 pm showtime).

Playing in front of the Space Jam re-release will be the Reel FX-produced CGI Looney Tunes short I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat, which originally screened in front of Happy Feet Two in 2011.

Space Jam has been a family favorite for the last 20 years and is sure to remain so for the next 20 and beyond,” Fathom Events vice president of studio relations Tom Lucas said in a press statement. “This event is the perfect chance for audiences of all ages to view the film as it was meant to be seen—on the big screen.”

For tickets, visit FathomEvents.com, or better yet, visit the official Space Jam web site from 1996.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.