Imagine the Oscars.

Now, imagine the Oscars if they were presented in French and no one cared about them.

That’s the César Awards, which are presented annually by France’s Academy of Arts and Techniques of Cinema.

Last Friday, the organization announced the nominations for the 38th César Awards, which will be presented on February 22nd. They have an animation category that lumps features and shorts together, but in spite of this quirk, they managed to come up with five deserving nominees:

Edmond Was a Donkey directed by Franck Dion

Oh Willy… directed by Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels

Ernest and Celestine directed by Benjamin Renner, Vincent Patar and Stéphane Aubier

Kirikou and the Men and Women directed by Michel Ocelot

Zarafa directed by Rémi Bezançon and Jean-Christophe Lie

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