New Paintings by JJ Villard, Morgan Kelly and Jeremy Bernstein
“Edward Gorey at the Bowery” by Morgan Kelly
Need something to do tomorrow evening? Then head on over to Atwater Village for the opening of “Y’aint Gonna Get There Free: Screams in Hollywoodland,” a new show of paintings by JJ Villard, Morgan Kelly, and Jeremy Bernstein. It opens 7pm at the Little Bird Gallery (3195 Glendale Blvd. LA, CA). Since emerging out of CalArts, all three of these guys have been working in the bowels of the animation industry, at studios like DreamWorks and Sony, but they’ve managed to retain strong artistic identities by self-publishing books and painting. It bears mentioning that Villard, who currently isn’t working at a studio, is also the director of some amazing animated shorts like Son of Satan and Chestnuts Icelolly. A preview of the work can be seen on the gallery’s website. They also put together a bizarre series of show invites, a few of which can be viewed on Jeremy’s blog.