F5 Fest

“This isn’t ‘another design conference.’ It’s a meeting of great minds,” tout the promo materials for F5, a conference that takes place next week at the Roseland Ballroom in Manhattan.

Everything I’ve read about it indicates that F5 is going to be a winning event for artists, and an interesting opportunity to network with an eclectic group of creative professionals.. I also have high hopes for F5 because one of its organizers is Justin Cone, who’s the mastermind behind the must-read blog Motionographer. The F5 site explains that the event “is founded on the belief that true change occurs when you look outside your world and explore new horizons. The festival fosters creative collisions–unexpected insights from sources you didn’t see coming. The goal is nothing less than to change the way you think about your work and your life.”

The line-up of speakers includes:

* Ed Ulbrich, co-founder of multiple Academy Award-winning Digital Domain
* Acclaimed photographer/filmmaker Charlie White
* Jonah Lehrer, editor at large for Seed magazine and author of How We Decide
* MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow
* Media Molecule, celebrated developers of LittleBigPlanet
* Presentations by CG and digital studios including Shilo, Psyop, The Blackheart Gang, and Danny Yount from Kyle Cooper’s studio Prologue

Conference tickets for the two-day event (April 16 and 17) are $280 regular price and $150 for students. Thanks to the generosity of the event’s organizers, Cartoon Brew is giving away TWO FULL PASSES to the festival. If you’re planning to attend and are interested in winning a pass, simply leave a comment in this post by the end of today. The only qualification is that your comment must include a link to your website, and if you don’t have a site (what kind of an artist are you?), then post the link to your LinkedIn or Myspace. The contest will close at 11:59pm tonight and we’ll announce the winners on Wednesday.

For more info about F5, visit the official website at F5Fest.com.

What Do You Think?

Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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