
The cast of the animated series Bob’s Burgers, currently in its fifth season on FOX, has figured out how to do something rare: make money from the live performance of animation. In March, they’ll embark on a live tour across parts of the United States. The live show will feature stand-up performances from the cast, a Q/A session, an in-character table read, and, oh yeah, some exclusive animated clips.

The current cities on the tour are:
March 19: Minneapolis, MN
March 20: Chicago, IL
March 21: Milwaukee, WI
March 22: Detroit, MI
March 25: Washington, D.C.
March 26: Upper Darby, PA
March 27: New York, NY
March 28: Boston, MA

(For those wondering why there’s no West Coast stops, the cast previously did a West Coast tour in 2013.)

Tickets for the show cost between $45-65, depending on the city. A VIP upgrade for an additional $125 allows attendees to mingle with cast members and receive merchandise like a T-shirt, aluminum water bottle, and poster.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Publisher and Editor-at-large.

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