Rich Moore, who co-directed Disney’s Golden Globe-winning Zootopia with Byron Howard, has entered the political fray with a Zootopia-related joke that mocks misleading statements made on Saturday by Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer.

Moore’s tweet was made in the style of Spicer’s far-out claim to the press corps that, “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.” After Spicer made the demonstrably false statement, a hashtag appeared on Twitter called #SpicerFacts in which people wrote obviously untrue facts in Spicer’s style.

Although Moore did not use the hashtag for his post, he included a photo of Spicer and wrote it in the style of the meme, using an emphatic “period” as Spicer did. In his tweet, Moore claims that things that actually happened in Zootopia never happened at all:

Moore also posted a second Spicer fact that will appeal to fans of The Three Stooges:

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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