Animation Cult Leader Encourages Followers to Dress Like Him
With today’s launch of John Lasseter’s clothing collection, the charismatic hug-bequeathing Chairman Lasseter has moved one step closer to realizing his vision of an army of unthinking, easily manipulated clones who will hand over their credit cards for literally anything, including the clothes off of the exalted leader’s back.
A common attribute of cult culture is that, “Many of the followers end up looking, dressing, acting, talking, and thinking just like copies of the group leader.” Lasseter followers who have already started dressing like him are currently gathered at a mass ceremony and recruitment event in Anaheim, California to “pay respects to the man”:
If you have a family member who has been brainwashed by Lasseter’s teachings, or more sadly, his sense of fashion, and want to help them leave the group, here is a guide for helping relatives trapped in a cult.
While it may already be too late for some poor souls:
i reaaaaalllly want a #johnlasseter hawaiian shirt
— nicole☮ (@colebowlxo) August 14, 2015
I cannot believe that there is a John Lasseter shirt collection at the #D23Expo and I'm not there.
— Becky (@disney_bubbles) August 14, 2015
Honestly, I'd cop John Lasseter's Hawaiian shirt collection. They're dope af!
— Lea Antonette (@leaayo) August 14, 2015
Got to see John Lasseter-Hawaiian Shirt close up #D23Expo2015
— Diane Maguire (@MouseFanDiane) August 14, 2015
…at least one person has managed to escape the cult of Lasseter: