I’ve been a huge fan of Scott Shaw’s Oddball Comics presentations at Comic Con since I first saw them over 20 years ago. Scott projects a selected comic book cover on a huge screen and points out (if it isn’t already obvious) how ridiculous it is. Scott’s comics and comments are simply hilarious. If you haven’t been able to catch this in San Diego, Scott’s now performing the presentation (for a limited time only) at a theater in Hollywood – Saturday nights at 8 PM at the Oh My Ribs! Comedy Theater on Santa Monica Boulevard near Cahuenga. I am honored to join Scott this week (4/14) as a special guest, where I will screen several Oddball Comics as Oddball animated cartoons! Yes, Jack Mendelsohn’s Jacky’s Diary and Hal Seeger’s Muggy-Doo Boy Cat, two of the strangest comics creations ever to make it to the screen (as theatrical cartoons, yet!), will be shown. Join us on Saturday night for this once-in-a-lifetime comics/cartoon event!

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Jerry Beck

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