Cafe 615… Home of “Da Wabbit!”
We usually don’t do resturant reviews… but when a roadhouse eatery has a sign like this we can’t help but check it out. Way down yonder in New Orleans, in Gretna (near Terrytown) is a restaurant called Da Wabbit Drive In. It opened in 1949 and is reputed to have the best fried chicken in town. Our southern correspondent, Uncle Wayne (Dagriepont), snapped this photo of its vintage signage and confirmed that the food was indeed delicious – and well worth the trip.
Da Wabbit was recently renovated and reopened in December 2009 as Cafe 615 (located at 615 Kepler Street), a neighborhood diner. Not much is known about the origins of this resturant’s name, but I’ll bet it was named after a certain ‘wascally wabbit’ – or my name isn’t Laramore (and it isn’t).