Four Inspiring Pieces of Computer Animation
If my diet of computer animation existed solely of the work being produced by mainstream commercial studios, I might come to the conclusion that CG is a graphically stagnant, artistic dead end. Thankfully, I know better than that. I know that there’s plenty of amazing, forward-thinking pieces of computer animation being produced around the world. A lot of it exists on the fringes and doesn’t garner as much attention as commercial CG, but the animation points towards a truly original form of expression that is unique to the toolset and not reliant on mimicking earlier forms of graphic art. Below are four such pieces that explore the possibilities and potential of computer animation:
Topologies–Tiepolo (Excerpt) by Quayola (UK)
Pico by Takcom (Japan)
Prismatic Planes by Alex McLeod (Canada)
Chiral by Robert Seidel (Germany)