Musical Monday: Popeye Dance Party

If Monday’s getting you down, blast this 34-minute playlist of Popeye-themed disco, space rock, guaguancó, krautrock, and hip-hop:
“Popeye and Olive Oil” by Ray Stevens (1962)
“Pop’eye Twist” by The Tornados (1962, UK)
“Popeye” by Creacion 75 (1974)
“Popeye Disco” by Pam Todd & Love Exchange (1977)
“I’m Popeye The Sailor Man” by Wing & A Prayer Fife & Drum Corps (1977)
“Popeye The Sailorman” by Spinach Power (1978, Japan)
“Popeye At The Disco” by Hired Help Band (1983, Germany)
“Ya Bad Chubbs” (Chubb Club Mix) by Chubb Rock (1989)