
If Monday’s getting you down, blast this 34-minute playlist of Popeye-themed disco, space rock, guaguancó, krautrock, and hip-hop:

“Popeye and Olive Oil” by Ray Stevens (1962)
“Pop’eye Twist” by The Tornados (1962, UK)
“Popeye” by Creacion 75 (1974)
“Popeye Disco” by Pam Todd & Love Exchange (1977)
“I’m Popeye The Sailor Man” by Wing & A Prayer Fife & Drum Corps (1977)
“Popeye The Sailorman” by Spinach Power ‎(1978, Japan)
“Popeye At The Disco” by Hired Help Band (1983, Germany)
“Ya Bad Chubbs” (Chubb Club Mix) by Chubb Rock (1989)

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