You Aint Getting Nothin You Aint Getting Nothin

Music video for the Goo Goo Dolls’ “You Ain’t Getting Nothin'” from the new album It’s Christmas All Over.

Video by Venturia Animation Studios, Colombia, 2020.

Produced by Andrés Urbina
Character design and storyboards: Juan M. Urbina
Compositing: Ángela Hernández & Diego Felipe Beltrán
Background painting: Sabri Franchi
Head of layout: Camilo Sastre
Character layout & animation : Paul Badilla
Animation assistant: Rosamary Martínez Anvitarte
Ink and paint: Roberto Armijo, Diego Cantos, Felipe Vera

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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