“Sketchbook drawings come to life in this poetic expression of New York City. Working from observation in a form of visual journalism, this unusual hand-drawn animation attempts to document New Yorkers as they go about their daily lives in the Big Apple.”

Film by Willy Hartland, USA, 2016.

Hartland says:

“The genesis for the film happened organically, growing out of the thousands of sketches I’ve done of New Yorkers over the past several years. Drawings of urban life as seen in subways, parks, cafes, bars, basically anywhere people will sit still long enough to capture with my quick contour line. Places where the dynamism of the city is evident and part of the concrete jungle that is the visceral pulse of a thriving city.”

Support the crowdfunding effort for Hartland’s next film, The Artichoke, whose campaign ends in two days.

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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