Breaking: ‘Dog Man’ Animation Studio Jellyfish PIctures Suspends Operations Amid Financial Struggles

“A funny portrait of hair lovers. Seductions, disappointments, fantasies…” Film by Delphine Hermans.

Direction: Delphine Hermans
First director assistant: Capucine Latrasse
Script: Delphine Hermans, Michel Vandam
Animation: Delphine Hermans, Capucine Latrasse, Hannah Letaïf, Mathilde Cardonnel
Sound and sound editing: Christian Coppin
Music: Mathieu Labaye
Editing: Bruno Tracq
Voices: Laurent Caron, Donatienne de Coster, Dimitri Kimplaire, Simon Medard, David Nelissen, Hélène Pirenne

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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