Biden's Schoolhouse Rock Biden's Schoolhouse Rock

Schoolhouse Rock! parodies are dime a dozen, but there’s still an occasional highlight in the genre.

This one – Biden’s Schoolhouse Rock – comes from Scott Gairdner, tv writer (Conan, Saturday Morning All Star Hits!) and creator of the short-lived Comedy Central series Moonbeam City.

The cartoon, though crudely produced, is over almost before it begins and doesn’t wear out its welcome. Gairdner’s point – that Biden is incomprehensible and ineffective as a leader – is well made, though it’s up to the individual viewer whether they agree or not with that assessment.

For more of Gairdner’s animation work, check out his channel featuring Tiny Fuppets:

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.

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