Sci-Fi Cartoon Web Series “New Eden” To Debut On May 29
New Eden follows the adventures of bickering odd couple Murray and Hamilton, two starship crewmen marooned and fighting for their lives on a primordial world after their starship crash lands on the wrong planet!
Australian London based co-creator and producer Brett Snelgrove says “the pilot will appeal to South Park and sci-fi fans alike.
“And anyone who wants to see cool frick’n monsters make grown men poo their pants”.
Dutch animator and fellow co-creator Freek van Haagen adds “we’re sci-fi geeks at heart but a little twisted so you can expect plenty of slapstick, witty banter and gross out humour. All the good stuff!”
After 18 months of work the creative duo have chosen to release the New Eden pilot online.
“Our target audience immediately turn to their laptops or smart phones instead of their TV’s these days for entertainment. With so much content readily available online, it’s an exciting time for independent web creators,” says Freek.
“Audiences are hungry for new original digital content,” says Brett
“You just have to look at the success of crowd-funded projects like Pioneer One and The Underwater Realm and YouTube’s 100 channels initiative. Plus companies like Hulu and Netflix which are commissioning original content solely for online distribution”.
Brett and Freek are working with branded content agency Krempelwood to attract sponsorship in the hope of turning New Eden into an online series.
“The rule of thumb nowadays for independent creators is the content comes first, then the audience and then finally the money,” says Brett.
“We are aiming to build an audience by delivering nine weeks of additional content around the pilot’s release,” says Freek.
In the lead up to the pilot’s launch, videos and animated extras will be released online.
Immediately afterwards animated skits will debut in conjunction with a New Eden Facebook game.
The New Eden pilot will premiere on YouTube and Vimeo on Tuesday May 29.
Fans can find out more about New Eden on their official website and Facebook page.
Additional content will be released from May 15.