Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC), a leader in 3D Animation and VFX training, announced its association for the second time in a row with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan (UNIC). After a very successful collaboration last year, MAAC-UNIC has formed a platform to invite applications for the ninth 24FPS international animation awards to promote the theme set for the coming year, The Future We Want through animated movies. The event will showcase the best animation & VFX works in Hollywood, Bollywood, gaming and advertising films, all set around the theme The Future We Want. 24FPS is designed to provide a common platform for young animators not only India but also from countries like China, France, Germany and the US. It gives the young professionals an opportunity to understand the challenges and opportunities of the industry and learn from world-class experts of the industry. Since its inception, the award has been a key driver in the promotion of fresh talent in animation in India and has the support of the global animation industry. The event also provides with opportunities to young animators to get acclaimed at international level. The winning team of last year’s 24FPS from MAAC’s center in New Delhi got an opportunity to work with UNIC on a project and their film, ‘The Pink Bangles’ would be screened during the event this year.

The theme, ‘The Future We Want for 24FPS 2012 has been devised and propagated by the United Nations with the aim of improving the quality of lives of the world’s poorest. The campaign seeks to promote the seven pillars of the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as ‘Rio+20’, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 20-22 June 2012: food security, clean and accessible water, green energy, management of oceans, disaster management, green jobs and sustainable cities.

Speaking at the event Ms. Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Director, UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan said: “It is appropriate that the MAAC-UNIC partnership is being forged to build up on The Future We Want. This animation contest will raise awareness among young people on the various pillars of the set theme and hopefully lead them in getting involved in efforts that can change the status quo. Today, with technological advancements progressing at a rapid pace, such creative ventures, I believe, will go a long way in productively engaging young people. The UN Information Centre is pleased to collaborate with MAAC to deliver very tangible results.”

Talking about MAAC’s association with the UN in promoting the Millennium Development Goals, Mr. Ninad Karpe, CEO & MD Aptech Ltd., “The tie-up is a new thrust to achieve the theme set for this year, The Future We Want. It will enable contestants to develop content in terms of animated films to promote these development goals for inviting entries for the 9th 24FPS awards. We believe that the power of vocational education can empower an individual with the choice of being self-sustained.”

Also, announcing the forthcoming 24FPS Animation Awards, he added, “Animation and VFX industry has seen an overall growth of 13.6 percent over 2008 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.7 percent to reach an INR 46.6 billion by 2014. The industry has seen stupendous growth rate thanks to increased consumption of animated content, creation of global IP formats, acceptance of 3D graphics and venturing into international markets. Awards like 24FPS celebrate talent and bring to the limelight some of the best work done in this industry.”

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