“Captain Cornelius Cartoon’s Cartoon Lagoon” Coming To DVD This Fall
Join Wet Willy Jones and Axel Rodd McGee on their undersea quest aboard the Manta Ray, a cartoon-retrieving vessel commanded by Captain Cornelius Cartoon. This brand new animated/puppet show adventure, Captain Cornelius Cartoon’s Cartoon Lagoon, plumbs the depths of Cartoon Lagoon in search of the best and the WORST cartoons ever made.
Created By Manny Galán, Produced by Pat Giles and Manny Galán, Directed by Euralis Weekes, starring Chris Phillips as the voice of “Captain Cornelius C. Cartoon,” featuring the puppeteers Michael Schupbach, Noel MacNeal and Frankie Cordero, Written by Manny Galán and Steve Borst, Recorded at Super Exploder, Trailer Scored by Jeff Elmassian and Endless Noise, Produced by Cartoon Lagoon Studios, Filmed in Lagoonimation!
Captain Cornelius Cartoon’s Cartoon Lagoon coming to DVD Fall 2012.