Top Story: ‘Princess Mononoke’ Re-Release Is No. 1 Film In North America On Per-Theater Basis

Deadline: 5pm Tuesday January 24, 2012
Program Dates: March 05 — May 25, 2012

The National Film Board of Canada seeks submissions from emerging (young and not-so-young) filmmakers, creative programmers and artists intrigued by animation art, for the 8th edition of Hothouse, a 12-week paid apprenticeship in full-on, all-inclusive, real-world animation filmmaking.

Edition 8 parameter: include emerging technologies

This year, Hothouse invites you to exploit emerging tools and technologies in your animation.  In other words, take maximum advantage of new hardware, software or platforms to create your art. You might use a specific app for capture or animation. You might choose to tell a traditionally animated story on an interactive mobile OS (does the user influence the content?) You might integrate sensing devices for spatial tracking and gesture/facial/voice recognition (think GPS, Kinect, Wii, Siri etc.). Or develop a meaningful micro-narrative using existing engines and assets. To name but a few possibilities of hacking your animation!

Ultimately, the goal is to create a compelling 60-second experience driven by animation, moulded by technology.

Check out full submission details here:

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Chris Arrant