Call For Entries: Animated Fashion Competition at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film Call For Entries: Animated Fashion Competition at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film

DEADLINE: March 16, 2012

Animation and fashion — two creative fields one would not associate at first glance. A new form of partnership between the fashion and lifestyle company Breuninger and the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film is paving new ways for creativity stepping ahead on an exciting course at the interface of design, creation and animation. The newly launched competition “Animated Fashion” links the target groups of both sectors and offers a platform to a young creative fashion and film community. Experience lifestyle, exclusiveness and new trends with one of Europe’s leading companies for luxury goods and one of the most successful festivals for animation film around the world.

The Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film invites you to submit films on the subject of fashion produced at your school until March 16, 2012. We are happy to assist you with contacting and teaming fashion schools and animation classes to develop new exciting ideas and produce animated films together.

The awards ceremony will take place on May 12, 2012 at Breuninger as part of the 19th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (May 8-13, 2012). The Animated Fashion Show — including the “Rainbow Carpet” and presentations of projects, interviews, celebrity & fashion talk, live music and live visuals, DJs and an exclusive fashion show.

The new Award’s aim focuses on addressing the community on web 2.0. All of the three nominated films will be presented on the web on all websites and social media platforms of Breuninger and the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film. Therefore the copyright compensation payments, by which Breuninger is entitled to the non-exclusive rights of use for the nominated films on the web for the duration of one year starting on May 12, 2012, need to be met.

A pre-selection committee comprising animation filmmakers and fashion designers will nominate the three best submissions for the “Animated Fashion” Award, which comes with respectively 1,000 euros prize money. The winning film is awarded 2,000 euros prize money and the unique opportunity to produce a commercially used trailer (for web 2.0) for Breuninger.

Please find the regulations and entry form on our homepage.

Chris Arrant

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