Arc Productions, recently acquired by a Canadian ownership group from Starz Media US, continues to build its senior management team with the hiring of Stephanie Denton to head its Los Angles office as Senior VP of Sales & Business Development.

“We are thrilled to have Stephanie join our team. Her knowledge of the feature film business is exceptional. Her background in domestic and international distribution, independent film financing, and creative development will be a tremendous asset to the company. Stephanie’s appointment in conjunction with the company’s recent decision to engage Paradigm to represent the company again demonstrates our aggressive growth strategy”, said Jeff Young, President and COO.

“This is a great opportunity to join the Arc Productions team. The studio has an amazing artistic talent base that has established itself as a world class service studio for both animation and VFX. In addition to growing the service business I am excited to be a part of Arc’s initiative to enter the intellectual property business.” Denton said.

Prior to joining Arc Productions, Denton accrued 24 years of experience many of them as prexy of international sales and distribution for leading independents such as Bold Films, Lionsgate, Initial Entertainment Group, and Lakeshore International.

Chris Arrant

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