Breaking: ‘Dog Man’ Animation Studio Jellyfish PIctures Suspends Operations Amid Financial Struggles

SpongeBob SquareButts

SpongeBob SquarePants + Sir Mix-a-Lot + Burger King = The viral ad that everybody’s going to be linking to for the next week. Case in …


F5 Conference Ticket Giveaway

“This isn’t ‘another design conference.’ It’s a meeting of great minds,” tout the promo materials for F5, a conference that takes …


For All the Velma Fans Out There

It’s a special day when the quality of fan art exceeds the artistry of its animated source material. Then again, with Scooby-Doo, the bar …


Jack Dunham, 1910-2009

I’ve learned that American animator Jack Dunham passed away a couple weeks ago at age 98. I’d written about Dunham back in 2006 after a …


Pixar vs. DreamWorks

I’m still confused. Which studio’s films does this guy like more? (Thanks, Karim)


25 Animation Twitters

Did you know that Adventure Time creator Pen Ward drinks Shasta Cola in the bathtub? How about that Sony animator Kim Hazel wants a …

Feature Film

The Secret of Kells

The Secret of Kells is a largely hand-drawn 2-D animated feature that is garnering a lot of good buzz from people who have seen it, such …


The Lost Tribes of New York City

Filmmakers Andy and Carolyn London (A Letter to Colleen) interviewed people around New York City and transposed their voices onto …


Ray Aragon, 1926-2009

Animation artist Ray Aragon passed away on Sunday, March 15, at the age of 83. He had been in poor health in recent months. Aragon was …


We Swear, It’s Not A Gimmick

To paraphrase a well-worn saying, With employees like these, who needs enemies? The DreamWorks employees interviewed in last weekend’s NY …


Re-Animating Live-Action Films

Artist Christopher Panzner is promoting a new animation technique that he has dubbed Re:Naissance, which is essentially rotoscoped key …

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