Artist of the Day: Thomas Slater
Thomas Slater
PRIMARY MEDIA: Pencils, pens, digital [Photoshop], crayons, airbrush
EDUCATION: Camberwell College [illustration, 2011]
New College Nottingham [art foundation, 2008]
Manual for Speed website stage-by-stage bicycle race illustrations [2015]
SELFIE an exhibition of paintings with brother Lawrence Slater shown at Daily Goods [2015]
WHAT IS THE MOST VALUABLE PIECE OF ARTISTIC ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED AND FROM WHO? “My one best piece of advice: ‘Tom, Just do one thing at a time,’ from my friend Joe Prince from LAW magazine. But I would say that Paul Ardens’ books have been very inspirational for making me work hard and think in a different way.”
MORE: Portfolio/Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr