Artist of the Day: Sloane Leong

Sloane Leong
Portland, OR
Primary media:
Brush, sumi ink, Fudegokochi brush pen, digital [Manga Studio, Photoshop]
Major projects:
Surfacing comic [author/illustrator, 2015]
A Body Made of Seeing comic [author/illustrator, 2015]
When You Come Crawling comic [author/illustrator, 2015]
Adventure Time episode “Dark Purple” co-boarded by Adam Muto [storyboard artist, Cartoon Network, 2015]
What is the most valuable piece of artistic advice you have ever received, and from who?
“I didn’t know any artists personally growing up, but I read Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg when I was a teen and a few lines have stuck with me since: ‘Keep your hand moving.’ ‘Our task is to say a holy yes to the real things of our life as they exist…’ ‘After you have finished a piece of work, the work is then none of your business.'”