Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton
Rebecca Crompton

UK-based artist Rebecca Crompton draws scenes in ink, pencils and crayons of smiling animals and people existing in flat, textured planes and highly stylized natural settings.

Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton

Crompton’s work appears to walk the line between a naive, flat execution in some places and solid observational drawing in others. See more of Crompton’s work on her Flickr, Tumblr and portfolio website, where you can also purchase her playful designer desktop icons for your computer.


Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton Rebecca Crompton

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Chris McDonnell

Chris McDonnell’s recent animation productions include segments for Tour de Pharmacy (HBO), Lady Dynamite (Netflix), Comedy Bang Bang (IFC), Kroll Show (Comedy Central), Mike Tyson Mysteries (Adult Swim). Chris’s books include Steven Universe: Art & Origins and Adventure Time: The Art of Ooo, Sasquatch’s Big Hairy Drawing Book, and Unfiltered: The Complete Ralph Bakshi. He works from his studio McD Workshop and teaches animation at The University of the Arts and Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia.

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