Klaus is a paradox: it brings back traditional 2d animation while presenting it in a whole new light — literally. But when you strip away the fancy new lighting and texturing tools, you can appreciate just how polished the animation really is. Which is precisely what these showreels, uploaded by animators who worked on the film, do.

Directed by Sergio Pablos, a star artist of Disney’s 1990s renaissance, Klaus was produced for Netflix at Pablos’s SPA Studios in Madrid, Spain. We earlier spoke with one of the film’s supervising animators, Matt Williames, about his work on the film, and now we’re pleased to offer a look at what other animators contributed to the project.

If you’ve got your reel of Klaus animation, let us know and we’ll add it to the piece:

Slaven Reese
Giovanni Braggio
Simone Cirillo
Andrew Chesworth
Jeremie Becquer
Maxime Delalande
Ole Christian Løken
Victor Ens
Sam Cabanac
Mathilde Vachet
James Baxter
Daniel Crook
Patt Jewanarom
Marc Valls
Elio Lischetti — Clean-up supervisor reel
Santiago Riscos — Clean-up reel
Paola Costigliola — Clean-up reel
Christian Maymo — Clean-up reel

(Image at top: animation by Simone Cirillo)

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