Breaking: ‘Dog Man’ Animation Studio Jellyfish PIctures Suspends Operations Amid Financial Struggles

Minneapolis Minnesota-based studio MAKE created these two Quit Smoking public service announcements, using live action and wonderful hand-drawn character animation.

Creative Director: Danny Robashkin
Writer/Director/Producer/Editor/Sound Design: Mike P. Nelson
DP: Nick Junkersfeld
Production Sound: Tom Colvin
Puppeteers: Justin Weber, Josh Clos, Chang Dai, Alec Mueller
Animators: Andrew Chesworth, Justin Weber, Aaron Quist, Alec Mueller, Michelle Yoon, Josh Schneider, Chang Dai
Assistant Animators: Jordan Hill, Niklas Norman
Compositing/Finishing: Daniel Broadway, Josh Clos
3D artist: Aaron Dabelow
The Interviewer….Kevin Klein
Eric……..Charles Hubbell
Lexi……..Lindsey Dumire

And don’t miss this brief behind-the-scenes video:

What Do You Think?

Jerry Beck

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