I love print cartoons, comic strips and comic books. Maybe that’s why three of my favorite websites affectionately skewer classic and current comics – and I get more laughs out of them than I do from the daily comics section in the newspaper. First stop is Scott Shaw’s newly redesigned and relaunched Oddball Comics site. Scott’s been doing this for years and has quite an online archive and a great discussion board. Next I check out Josh Fruhlinger’s Comics Curmudgeon a hilarious daily commentary on some of the lamest comic strips currently in print. Rex Morgan, Mary Worth and Mark Trail are regularly, and hilariously, analyzed. And lastly, every Thursday morning Shain Minuk and David Merrill post a new page of Stupid Comics, an in-depth look at some of the dumbest comic book stories of all time. This site has awful navigation, but it’s worth searching through to find goofy things like this page on Battle of The Planets and this one on Harvey Comics.