Here’s a great way to begin the holiday weekend (in the States): a pair of newly released animated videos from Weird Al Yankovic. For his new album, Alpocalypse, much like how he did last time on Straight Outta Lynwood, Yankovic has employed several notable animators to create videos.

Here’s the music video for Another Tattoo (Parody of Nothin’ On You by B.o.B. featuring Bruno Mars). Animation produced at Augenblick Studios, directed by Chris Burns.

Party In The CIA (Parody of the song Party In The U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus) was animated by Roque Ballesteros and his team at Ghostbot (the studio behind the Erin Esurance commercials).

The rest of Weird Al’s new videos can be seen on Yankovic’s YouTube page.

(Thanks, Annie-Mae)

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