A major Studio Ghibli exhibition opens to the public in the Roppongi Hills skyscraper tomorrow. The show, titled “Ghibli Expo: From Nausicaä to Its Latest Film, The Red Turtle,” will run through September 11, leading up to the Japanese release of Michael Dudok de Wit’s Red Turtle, Ghibli’s first international co-production.

The comprehensive exhibit, which includes numerous three-dimensional models and recreations of the Ghibli offices among its 2,500 objects on display, is based on a 30th anniversary exhibit that took place last year in Japan, which has been updated with artwork from Dudok de Wit’s film.

A key part of the exhibit is the display of advertising materials; there is plenty of such material in Japan where publicity flyers are used to promote films at movie theaters. Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki explained to Nippon.com that the dense layout of the show is on purpose because he wanted everything arranged in “a haphazard way, just like memories are arranged in a filmgoer’s mind.”

For more information, visit the exhibition’s official website.

Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: IGN.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: ITMedia.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: ITMedia.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: Cinema Today.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: Cinema Today.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: Cinema Today.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: Cinema Today.)
Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo.
Ghibli Expo.  (Photo: ITMedia.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: ITMedia.)
Ghibli Expo.  (Photo: ITMedia.)
Ghibli Expo. (Photo: ITMedia.)

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Amid Amidi

Amid Amidi is Cartoon Brew's Editor in Chief.